March 30, 2025

About us


The Govt. Ayurved college & Hospital Jabalpur was established in 1971. The college is situated Near Gwarighat Railway station on the bank of Holy river Narmada .It was given autonomous status in 1997 by the Madhya Pradesh Government. It is affiliated to M.P. medical university of health sciences Jabalpur.


Ayurveda is much more than the ‘science of medicine’; it is defined as the ‘science of life’. Our objective is to prepare students physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, with the insights and ability to harmoniously live their lives and to help others understand and harmonize the wholeness of their lives through herbal medicines.


Ayurveda is a comprehensive, holistic healing science from India that has been practiced for over 5,000 years. The Ayurveda provides practical and accessible guidance for how to live a healthier life through attention to our daily habits.

  • Promotion of positive health by positive methods.
  • To guide, educate and treat people on the platform of Ayurveda for a physical, mental and spiritual wellness.
  • To provide authentic knowledge of Ayurveda to the students so that they can propagate to society and make the society disease free.
  • To treat various ailments using the basic principles of Ayurveda,Herbal drugs and Panchkarma Therapy.
  • To educate students and disseminate knowledge treasure of Ayurveda to keen practitioners of other medical specialties by conducting various courses on Ayurveda and allied sciences.
  • To stimulate and enhance knowledge base of medical students & practitioners of Ayurveda by conducting competitions, seminars, symposiums on Ayurvedic topics.


The Govt Autonomous College of Ayurveda Jabalpur is dedicated to providing the highest quality education, health care, and research in the field of Ayurveda. We train students to become the healers of the future, practitioners dedicated to understanding the whole person physically, emotionally, and spiritually. From this understanding, practitioners will be able to identify areas of disharmony between a client’s actions, his or her constitution, and the environment. Practitioners will then understand how this disharmony relates to the client’s illness or imbalance, and will develop a program of care to re-establish harmony and support their client on his or her journey toward optimal health.

The college runs Bachelor of Ayurved Medicine & Surgery course (B.A.M.S) having in take capacity of 40 students per year. The total duration of course in 5 ½ years vb(4 ½ year main course + 1 year rotatory compulsory internship)

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